We live in a society where everyone has their own opinion. You read an article and you think you are the expert on the topic. The more you are emotionally involved, the more you think you are in the right. There are hundreds of books (not articles) in a library on how to raise a child, how to be a better parent, how to tackle impossible fatherhood etc. For me, this was especially challenging because I was deeply lacking a father figure in my childhood....
How Would You Like to Be Remembered After Death?
The question stayed with me for multiple days after reading a book about a person living with multiple sclerosis. The truth is that no matter what we wish or how we wish to be remembered, people we are interacting with, are going to remember us only by how they feel around us. In other words, relationship with other people is the only most important factor in how people are going to remember us....
Hello World
After many years (6) to be precise I am coming back to write my thougts and everything I’ve (am) learning as a father/husband/man. See you soon.
What makes a life happy place? What’s the point of doing daily things all over again? I made a promise to myself I will acknowledge when I have a bad day. Easy job one would say. The problem is that as a man nine out of ten times I don’t know I am already having a bad day. But I know when I am angry on fellow car commuters that are ignoring me on the road - me being a cyclist....
Daily Challenge #7 — House at a Forest
I am writing this post from my current work desk as I should already written it last night. Yesterday was quite hot, about 31 C. With mom we made a plan to go to your grand pa’s house (your mom’s dad’s house). I took SA after work and mom took K. We met at our house and quickly switched cycles for our little car. And in 15 minutes or, so we arrived to house at a forest....
Daily Challenge #6 – Names
Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about names in particular why and how we decided to name you like you are. OD: we named you after a very special saint and feelings we had with your mom after you came to this world. We were looking at you and just new what your name will be. Unfortunately I can’t say much about your name yet but for starters I will assign you a proper initials in this little blog....
Daily Challenge #5 – Sunday
Good thing about this daily challenge I’m doing is that I am thinking each day what will I do with you two. I have to prepare myself in advance that everything works smoothly as possible so we can enjoy our time together. This morning we stayed inside and played in kid’s room. Well mostly we learnt the alphabet. OD you are making a slow but steady progress with letters. The biggest challenge for you is to figure out what is the first letter in a spoken word....
Daily Challenge #4 — Saturday
Ah weekends. Days when daddy takes both of you on a new adventures while mommy can rest in the mornings. She takes overnight shifts when YD has bad nights, so we compromise that I take you both, and she can get some rest in the mornings. Today we went to the forest. Place of endless games and adventures. We began by packing our first kid aid which includes: bottle of water snacks 2 diapers and baby wipes for the youngest one And off we go to the not very steep hill deep in the forest....
Daily Challenge #3 — Summer
Thanks to your mother, summer has also become one of my favorite times of the year. Whenever we have chance and temperature is above 28 C I set up a little swimming pool so you two can play together in the water with your favorite play toys. For me this is also one of the most relaxed time. I am in my deckchair only legs inside tiny swimming pool outside which gives you two outside an excellent excuse to water my legs with your toys....
Daily Challenge #2 — playing together
YD: I am amazed how a baby your size can make so much poo. But then again you eat a lot and if something goes in it must also somehow go out. This morning you slept a bit longer which I think contributed to a very quite morning commute when you sat at the back of my bicycle. No words from you just looking quite at the peaceful traffic. When we got home you were so cheerfully playing in the sand almost as if we were still on a vacation enjoying sea and playing on the sand....