Ah weekends. Days when daddy takes both of you on a new adventures while mommy can rest in the mornings. She takes overnight shifts when YD has bad nights, so we compromise that I take you both, and she can get some rest in the mornings. Today we went to the forest. Place of endless games and adventures. We began by packing our first kid aid which includes:

  • bottle of water
  • snacks
  • 2 diapers and baby wipes for the youngest one

And off we go to the not very steep hill deep in the forest. Good thing when you have two siblings and walking uphill is that youngest one constantly try to catch up with the oldest one which is great because we don’t have too many stops. But when we do stop we build castles with branches, chairs with leafs (chairs are always in the middle of the path so other hikers can see our creations).

When you two don’t feel like creating things you find a perfect branch that you can sit on it and bounce off of it. Usually it bounces so much that at least the youngest one rolls over. Luckily no one was harmed yet. When the youngest one feels like she will explore uninterruptedly in the middle of the path and the oldest one wants to run forward I have to convince YD to start moving again, so I don’t loose a sight of OD. Hide and seek usually works. Me and OD hides while YD seek.

Today you two found a wooden bench which was perfect size for jumping off of it and running around . Of course YD (1y and 5months) you can’t jump from 40 cm so when you tried to jump I helped you but after a few jumps OD daughter took over and helped you. Now YD, you are 11kg and OD you are around 14kg which means that when YD jumps on you both of you ends up on the floor if I don’t help you :) Needless to say you were both laughing out loud and hugging so much when OD tried to catch YD that you again brought joy and happiness to me while I was watching and making sure no one was hurt.

We didn’t just build athletic skills on that bench. We were also actively learning about animals. OD you are quite an observer. You found ladybug and an ant. You both were amazed by the look of the ladybug and the speed of the ant. Before we returned to our car we collected blue blossoms (don’t know the name of the rose) and brought them to your beloved mommy. After she cooked such an amazing dinner I felt like we should bring her even more blossoms :) By the way she cooked entire meal (stuffed peppers) and extra for the storage. Good job mommy. We are lucky to have you.